Signs Your Son Needs a Therapist

Signs Your Son Needs a Therapist

Children can sometimes face struggles that parents are unaware of. However, there is help available. Through programs such as our residential therapy, we can help teenage boys receive the help they need to overcome difficult sexual behavior problems. In today’s blog post, we are going to discuss signs that your son may need a therapist.

At Kaizen Academy, we have experts who can help you learn of the early signs of a troubled teen. We can help your son heal and live a happy, productive life with meaningful relationships. Read on to learn more about the signs that your son may need therapy.

Your Son Is Isolating Himself

Boys can have poor communication skills when it comes to discussing problems such as sexual behavior issues and trauma. They rarely open up or talk about their issues to their parents. While it’s common for a teenage son to spend alone time in his bedroom, when combined with sexual behavior issues, it can be a sign that they need to speak to a therapist.

If your son isolates himself from his siblings, parents, and peers, it may be time to talk to him about visiting a therapist.

Involved In Destructive Behaviors

If your son engages often in destructive behaviors such as self-mutilation, drugs, and sexual misconduct, it may be time to consider therapy. At Kaizen Academy, we use the best therapists for teenagers in Provo, Utah, and have helped many teenage boys who participate in this type of behavior.

Acts Of Regression

Children often regress after experiencing significant life changes such as divorce or relocating, and can sometimes be considered a completely normal response. But regressions such as tantrums, clinginess, and excessive fear are signs that your son may be experiencing something more.

Frequently Makes Negative Comments

If you find your son making negative comments such as “I wish I were dead” or “ Nobody would worry if I ran away,” it’s the right time to reach out to a residential center with reliable counseling for teenagers such as Kaizen Academy.

Abnormal Shift Of Habits And Interests

A change in habits and interests may also be a sign of the need for counseling. If you notice changes in your son’s eating habits, sleeping habits, and personal interests, combined with any other signs on this list, it may be time to reach out to a therapist for assistance.


Getting your son to see a therapist when they are troubled can be difficult, but it may be exactly what they need to move forward with a happy and healthy life. At Kaizen Academy in Provo, Utah, we offer extensive counseling services and programs for boys ages 13–18.

We take the time to get to know your son and create an individualized treatment plan based on his needs. The sooner you notice your son’s signs, the quicker you can get them help. Don’t hesitate to book a place with us at Kaizen Academy today!