Austin Taylor
- With Kaizen Academy
- There IS hope. There IS healing.
Austin Taylor-Residential Director
Austin has been a part of the Kaizen team since 2018, and provides consistency to both our administration team and students alike. Austin first joined our team as a direct care staff and has served in various roles and responsibilities throughout Kaizen including developing and operating our recreational skiing program. Austin received a Bachelor’s degree from Utah Valley University in Elementary Education. He loves spending time with, and developing the youth of today. In his personal life, Austin is an avid outdoorsman who spends a lot of time fly fishing on Utah’s blue ribbon rivers. He is a committed family man and enjoys any time spent with his beautiful wife and son.
Austin is an amazing influence and mentor to both our students and staff alike, he always looks for the positive and motivates everyone to do their best in whatever role they may be in. Austin is fully committed to helping our students and families navigate and overcome the difficult processes they may be facing. We are fortunate to have him overseeing the residential program at Kaizen.