The Power of Behavioral Therapy through Hobbies

The Power of Behavioral Therapy through Hobbies




Kids are naturally drawn to these ways of discovering their community and interests. From the youngest days toddling around, boys are known to be a curious type who are often captivated by anything and everything that crosses their path.

For some, this can lead to a destructive pattern of behavior if they become curious about negative topics.

However, Kaizen Academy is a place that embraces community and recreation, which are two positive outlets that allow boys to dive deep into exploration, innovation, and socialization through new experiences together.

Natural Recoverers

Research from Harvard University talks about the incredible benefit of natural recoverers for overcoming destructive habits.

They describe natural recoverers as a hobby, challenge, or new relationship that takes the place of the destructive habit. The idea is that one can replace the time and energy previously spent on the destructive activity with a more healthful option.

The natural piece is something that Kaizen Academy fosters very well. We encourage community building, exploration, organized activities, building life skills, and more to bring in different, positive habits for each individual to discover.


New Experiences

One way we seek to provide opportunity for natural recoverers is through new experiences. New experiences are a part of life — and are usually quite a fun part of life.

With organized, off-campus activities, such as skiing and snowboarding in the winter or kayaking, fishing, mountain biking, hiking and camping in the summer, there are plenty of different types of settings to encourage self-discovery through exploration.

Kaizen Academy sits on 46 acres and is surrounded by beautiful federal forest lands. Residents can literally explore our own backyard and encounter an incredible variety of new experiences along the way.

Additionally, there are plenty of on-campus activities to catch one’s attention, too.

  • Cooking
  • Board games
  • Drawing, crafting, painting
  • Foosball and ping pong
  • Physical workouts
  • Greenhouse and gardening
  • Sports
  • Paintball tactical course
  • Mountain biking and running track
  • Sand volleyball

Trying new things often leads to an interest and a new hobby that was not previously discovered. We encourage our residents to give positive energy to learning new skills, hobbies, and games along with their peers to build positive, healthy, and lifelong interests.

Building Community

While many of these recreational opportunities are an opportunity to master a new skill or develop a new interest independently, another key focus of our behavioral therapy is building community.

It’s important for us at Kaizen Academy to display a sense of teamwork and camaraderie between residents. “Pulling your weight” and “work before play” are two themes highlighted each day.

Whether it’s through accomplishing disciplined and organized household chores (cooking, washing dishes, vacuuming, dusting, sweeping, mopping, doing laundry, and cleaning bathrooms) or group recreational activities as described above, our youth have an opportunity to build relationships together as they also focus on themselves.

Yes, there are going to be plenty of instances that bring up the challenges of “living with siblings”, but these are also great moments to teach each other how to live together and build relationships through conflict. Additionally, building up the community allows these young men to celebrate each other’s victories each and every day.

It may not be immediately obvious that the daily household chores can be considered hobbies. However, it is a natural recoverer that can lead to positive growth. There can be plenty of passion spurred out of cooking or innovation discovered during a monotonous chore that could be completed in a different and more efficient way, and it leads to a well-cared-for home, which is always beneficial for positive mental health.

If you are curious about what it would be like for someone you care about to attend Kaizen Academy, please contact us today. We can discuss your family situation and Kaizen Academy’s ability to help. You can call now, send us an email, or fill out a form and one of our teammates will get back to you. Visit our contact page now to get started.