Things To Do at Our Boys’ Residential Treatment Center

Things To Do at Our Boys’ Residential Treatment Center

Do you have a teenage boy who is struggling with inappropriate sexual behaviors? If so, we want to help. Kaizen Academy’s professional staff has the knowledge and skills necessary to provide your son with all of the tools he needs to get on track in life.

One way that we can do this is by providing him with an enriching environment where he will be able to thrive. We offer a variety of engaging activities for our residents that will allow them to develop social skills, self-esteem, and coping mechanisms — all while they are in a safe environment. Learn more about some of these activities at our boys’ residential treatment center and call to get started with Kaizen Academy in Utah.


Kaizen Academy is located in a beautifully wooded area of Utah, which means that we’re surrounded by lots of opportunities for hiking. We offer daily hikes where the boys will learn about geology and biology while enjoying nature at its best!


Kayaking & Fishing

If you’re looking for something different, then you should check out our kayaking and fishing opportunities. You can escape into nature while getting some exercise at the same time!


Do your boys like to play soccer? Then they’ll love participating in one of Kaizen Academy’s many recreation activities involving playing sports. The best part is that the activities and facilities we offer are just as good, if not better than most schools.

Physical Workouts

If you have a boy who is physically active, then consider enrolling him in one of Kaizen Academy’s physical workouts. We’ll help him build up his strength and cardio while also learning about the proper way to exercise!

These are just some of the fun activities that our residents get to do. There are plenty of other recreational activities that we offer at our boys’ residential treatment center. If your boys are interested in something that isn’t listed here, then let us know and we’ll find an opportunity for them.

At Kaizen Academy in Utah, we focus on helping boys become more confident in their abilities and better equipped at making healthy choices for themselves by providing them with a wide range of activities and opportunities to grow.

Do you have any questions? If so, please contact us today to learn more about our boys’ residential treatment program.