Coping With Sexual Behavior Issues: Strategies to Help

Coping With Sexual Behavior Issues: Strategies to Help

When your teen is displaying sexually problematic behavior, it can be difficult to know how to respond. You may feel shocked, confused, and even scared. But it's important to remember that these behaviors are usually a cry for help. Your teen may be acting out because they're feeling insecure, unsupported, or even threatened. Our behavior therapy program in Provo and Salt Lake City can help!

Kaizen Academy offers a specialized residential program that works with adolescent boys who are struggling with current or past sexual behavior problems. We work with families and troubled teens to provide the support and help they need to thrive through behavioral therapy. Keep reading to learn more about a few strategies that can help you through sexually problematic behaviors and contact our team of specialists today to learn more about our program.

teenage boy in therapy

Encourage Healthy Coping Strategies

Your teen must find healthy ways to cope with their sexual behavior issues. This might include journaling, talking to a trusted friend or family member, or participating in behavioral therapy group sessions.

teen boy reading

Promote Healthy Sexuality

Help your teen develop a healthy view of sexuality. This can include talking about consent, respect, and healthy sexual relationships. You can also provide resources such as books, articles, or websites that promote healthy sexuality.

young teen and mother talking

Create Structure and Boundaries

Establishing structure and boundaries can be helpful for both you and your teen. Having set rules and expectations can help your teen feel more secure and can provide a sense of stability.

father talking to teen son

Be a Supportive Parent

Your teen is likely feeling a lot of shame and guilt about their behavior. It’s important to be a supportive parent and let them know that you love them, no matter what.

If you’re struggling to deal with your teen’s sexual behavior issues, remember that you’re not alone. There are many resources and professionals available to help you through this difficult time. At Kaizen Academy, we focus treatment on youth displaying issues with problematic sexual boundaries, sexual trauma, compulsive pornography, and other sexual issues. Contact us today to learn more about our program for troubled teens. We look forward to helping you and your family.

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